Thursday, April 03, 2008

Can Diabetes Type 2 Be Reversed Naturally?

Raw For 30 Days

Six McDonalds-munching Americans eat 100% vegan, organic, live, raw foods for a month in order to reverse diabetes naturally. In four days, they were off insulin and in 30 days, their diabetes was totally reversed. Medical results are fantastic. They are challenged to give up meat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, soda, junk food, fast food, processed food, packaged food, and even cooked food – as well as go without their loved ones and many of their creature comforts – for 30 days.

"It's ridiculous," said David Wolfe, nutritionist and author. "How do you go from being insulin dependent for twenty years to no insulin at all in two weeks?" If you have diabetes type 2, has your doctor told you that you will be a diabetic for the rest of your life? Has he told you that you will always be on diabetic medicine and be dependent on insulin shots? Maybe it's time you got a new doctor.

Many medical professionals will disagree with this. They believe that once you are a diabetic, you will always be a diabetic. You might be able to control things a little better with exercise and diet but the diabetes will always be there and you will always be labeled a diabetic. Here is my question:
Well, what would you call it if they no longer take medications or insulin and their blood sugar is always normal?
I would call that REVERSED!

Doctors are trained very well by medical schools to treat the symptoms of disease. What about treating the cause? What caused us to get diabetes in the first place? A lack of drugs? Why is diet and exercise always an afterthought?

I'm not saying that you have to go to some "New Age" clinic or retreat in the deserts of New Mexico in order to reverse your diabetes. But isn't it interesting how all of these people reversed their diabetes in such a short amount of time? The question is whether or not they can keep it reversed. I must admit that I am a little skeptical. Can a 30 day program reverse a lifetime of poor lifestyle choices? What happens when they get back home to their old familiar environment? I hope they can stick with it and that there is some kind of follow up program with these folks. I look forward to watching the follow up video when they interview them again.
Dr. Julian Whitaker treats thousands of patients at the Whitaker Wellness Institute in Newport Beach, California. The clinic offers diabetic patients a "Back to Health Program." It teaches them about diet, exercise and nutrition. Click on the following link to read the testimonies and judge the results for yourself.

Whitaker Wellness Diabetes Testimonies

Sanoviv Medical Institute also treats those with diabetes in a similar fashion.

Not everyone can take the time or spend the money to go to California or Mexico. For those people, there are several programs out there that can help you and you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Here are some tips to help you with your search.

  • Make sure the program has a multi-year track record of success and has had some clinical trials done on it that you can show to your doctor.
  • Look for a program that will help you to lower or eliminate your diabetes drugs or insulin dependence.
  • Make sure that it is science-based. The people that run the program should have the letters "M.D." after their name. Being a doctor of philosophy will not suffice.
  • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Stay away from gimmicks that over promise and under deliver. We would all like a "quick fix" but that isn't always a reality.
  • Make sure it lasts more than 30 days. It is highly unlikely that your diabetes will be reversed and stay reversed in as little as 30 days without continued education and motivation. Changing lifestyle habits is not a quick fix.
  • Nothing is free. It will cost you something. Think about the cost of diabetes. What is it costing you now? What is the cost of amputation and blindness? What if you no longer had to pay for meds and doctor visits? What is the value of a program that could deliver you those kinds of savings?
  • Look for a program that will put the emphasis on educating you and holding you accountable. If they just want to sell you some magic pills or an exotic elixir, this is not what you want. Success is based on helping you to learn and reinforce a new lifestyle. Education and accountability are the main keys to success.
  • Staying motivated. Look for a program that has a human element. It is great to be able to talk with a real live human being every week. If you have questions or you are just discouraged with your progress, having a mentor can be a real life saver. If they have a group that you can be a part of, that would be even better. You can learn what is working and not working from others. Besides, being part of a group is more fun.
  • Find a program that uses the power of the Internet. Having tools like an on-line journal and a forum to read or post questions or comments to can be valuable. If you are having a problem, your personal lifestyle coach can read your journal for the week and pinpoint the changes you need to make. Educational emails and healthy on-line recipes and fitness tips are a plus too.
One such program is the "Healthy For Life" program developed by Dr. Ray Strand. He wrote the book,What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You Click on the following link to read about this program.

Healthy For Life Overview

Healthy for Life: Developing Healthy Lifestyles that Have the Side-Effect of Permanent Weight Loss

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Doctors, Colds and Antibiotics. Oh My!

My father had a cold a few weeks ago. When I called his doctor to get a prescription refill, I mentioned the cold. Without even looking at him or asking any questions, our doctor offered him an antibiotic. I thought doctors stopped this practice years ago.

If you have a cold, antibiotics will most likely do nothing for you. Most colds and sinusitis are caused by a virus. Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses but are effective against bacterial infections. If you have strep throat or pneumonia, it might actually be helpful.

If you don't need it, don't take it. Doctors have prescribed them in the past for people with colds just in case it turned into something that an antibiotic could fix. It was kind of an "insurance policy" in case things got worse. Now we are finding that the overuse of antibiotics is creating something we never planned for. Superbugs! Bacteria are smart. They evolve just like the rest of nature. Many of them are becoming antibiotic resistant. The scary thing about all of this is that they may evolve to the point that we have nothing to fight them with.

I had a really nasty cold back in the 1990's and went to my doctor for evaluation and treatment. I was having a really rough time sleeping and I had to miss work for a few days. He checked me out and told me to go home, drink plenty of fluids, get some rest and wait it out. What? No antibiotics? No magic pills? No nothing? He explained the difference between a virus and bacteria and told me that antibiotics would not do me any good. How refreshing. How honest. I think the majority of doctors know that antibiotics will not treat most cold symptoms but are afraid to not prescribe one. Patients have come to expect the doctor to give them something. If they don't get something, the patient might go to another doctor who might be more willing to write a prescription. If you have a fever that will not go down with aspirin or Tylenol or if you have thick, yellow mucus, you probably have a bacterial infection. If you have itchy eyes and a runny nose with thin, clear, whitish or yellowish mucus, you likely have a virus.

Sinusitis is the fifth most common diagnosis for antibiotic prescriptions. And, there is much evidence that antibiotics are inappropriately prescribed for many patients.
  • A major analysis reported that antibiotics helped only one child out of eight who had persistent nasal discharge for at least 20 days. Even when they were helpful, benefits were modest in reducing duration of the infection. No long-term benefits have been reported. This study backed up a number of small studies that have found no significant benefit from antibiotics for most children. In a 2001 study, for example, 87% of children improved regardless of their treatment.
  • Although antibiotics may prevent complications and reduce the risk of recurrent or chronic sinusitis, few well-conducted studies have been performed to confirm or refute their benefits in most cases for which they are prescribed.

Of great concern, the intense and widespread use of antibiotics--not only for sinusitis but also for other upper respiratory tract infections--is leading to a serious global problem, which is bacterial resistance to common antibiotics. For example, according to reports in 2002 and 2001, in Canada 15% of S. pneumoniae strains are resistant to penicillin, in the US between 30% and 40% are resistant, and in Hong Kong between 70% and 80% of strains no longer respond to penicillin. Furthermore, in the US about 23% of S. pneumoniae are currently resistant to at least three antibiotics. High rates of resistance strains are even being observed in infants. In general, regions and institutions with the highest rate of resistance are those in which antibiotics are heavily prescribed.

Encouraging studies are now reporting that inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions are on the decline. For example, children diagnosed with sinusitis in 1998 were significantly less likely to have antibiotics prescribed than in 1995.

When to Use Antibiotics. Because the great majority of sinusitis cases resolve themselves on their own, experts recommend antibiotics for the following:

  • Patients with severe sinusitis that does not clear up within seven days (some experts recommend waiting 10 days).
  • Symptoms that include one or more of the following: green and thick nasal discharge, maxillary facial pain, or tooth pain or tenderness.
Antibiotic Side Effects
Common side effects of antibiotics include upset stomach, diarrhea, and, in women, vaginal yeast infections. Some side effects are more severe and, depending on the antibiotic, may disrupt the function of the kidneys, liver, bone marrow, or other organs. Blood tests are used to monitor such adverse reactions.

Some people who receive antibiotics develop colitis, an inflammation of the large intestine. The colitis results from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium difficile, which grows unchecked when other antibacteria are killed by the antibiotics.

Antibiotics can also cause allergic reactions. Mild allergic reactions consist of an itchy rash or slight wheezing. Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) can be life threatening and usually include swelling of the throat, inability to breathe, and low blood pressure.

Antibiotics Might Make You Sick
There are some other problems with antibiotics. Not only do they kill the bad bacteria that cause infection, but they kill the good bacteria that your body needs to function in a healthy way. Not all bacteria are bad. Most strains of bacteria are harmless… or even beneficial. They peacefully co-exist with us the vast majority of the time. In fact, there are normally more bacteria in your colon then there are cells in your body.

Researchers are just starting to unravel the importance of normal bacteria to our health. Meanwhile we know that things go wrong when antibiotics take out the good with the bad.

Antibiotics don’t discriminate between bacteria that are causing disease and bacteria that are doing a good job for us. You may be taking an antibiotic for an infection, but the antibiotic doesn’t just go to the area of infection. It kills any bacteria in your body that are sensitive to it. This causes problems in a couple of ways.

First, it allows for the development of bacteria resistant to the antibiotic.

More immediately, you may experience diarrhea, a yeast infection, or a colon infection caused by Clostridium difficile. (Clostrium difficile - "C diff" in medical jargon - is a spore-producing bacterium that can overgrow and cause disease when normal bacteria in the bowel are disrupted.)

Taking a couple of steps will reduce your risk of these problems. First, take antibiotics only if you really need them. Second, if you do need them, take probiotic capsules (beneficial bacteria) while you’re taking the antibiotics and for at least a few weeks after you finish treatment.

Probiotics contain healthy bacteria that your body needs. An estimated 100 trillion microorganisms representing more than 500 different species inhabit every normal, healthy bowel. These microorganisms (or microflora) generally don’t make us sick; most are helpful. Gut-dwelling bacteria keep pathogens (harmful microorganisms) in check, aid digestion and nutrient absorption, and contribute to immune function.

Probiotic treatment that restores the balance of microflora may be helpful for such common female urogenital problems as bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, and urinary tract infection.

Probiotic-laced beverages, Kefir, acidopphilus and yogurt are becoming quite popular. Try to stay away from the ones with too much sugar as this tends to negate their healthy benefits.

I have no connection with the following companies or products. I only offer them as examples of probiotics that are available. I offer them for educational purposes only.

Natren Health Products

Lifeway Kefir Stay away from the kind that has sugar in it. Mix a little fresh fruit in if you want instead.

Complete Probiotics

Can Too Much Cola Be Causing Kidney Problems?

You have undoubtedly heard that drinking too much soda (diet or otherwise) can cause obesity and/or diabetes. Now, new research finds that drinking too many colas can not only leech the calcium out of your bones but can cause kidney damage and renal failure.

A team of scientists from the National Institutes of Health studied over 900 people to see what the effect of drinking two or more colas per day would have— whether artificially sweetened or regular — would have on kidney disease. They published their findings in the journal Epidemiology and claimed that people who drank two or more colas (as opposed to other soft drinks) had a twofold chance of developing kidney disease. New York Times: Cola and Kidney Problems

A Cola Alternative
Green tea has recently become well-known for its health benefits. All the teas offer health benefits in varying degrees. Green tea is known to increase your metabolism and increase the oxidation of fat.

That means instead of putting on pounds with your cola you will be taking off pounds with your tea. And if you drink oolong tea you will burn even more fat than you will with green tea.

Drinking tea will also help you to not feel so hungry between meals. And in addition to its weight-loss benefits, tea can also help you fight against a host of other diseases, including cancer and heart disease.

The antioxidants in tea, found most concentrated in white tea and green tea, are proven in some studies to actually fight the growth of cancer in the body. And tea lowers the amount of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the body.

That will help you ward off heart disease along with the effects of drinking tea on lowering your bad cholesterol and lessening the damage done to your body by hardening of the arteries.

If you like a little sweetness in your tea and are looking for a safe sugar alternative, there are several to choose from. Agave nectar, Stevia leaf, Xylitol, Luo Han Guo and Erythritol are a few of these. Most of them are low or zero calories without the many dangers of Sucralose/Splenda and Nutrasweet/Equal. Click on the follwing link to read my post on Sugar Substitutes And Your Health