Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Dr. Oz Reveals The Vitamins You Need Most For Healthier Living

Dr. Mehmet Oz is a frequent guest on the Oprah Winfrey show. Here is a clip where he and Dr. Michael Roizen are interviewed on ABC News about the importance of vitamins in our diet. Click on the following blue link (below) to watch it:

ABC News: Vitamins 2008 Movie Clip

If that clip does not seem to be working today, Click Here to see the list that he recommends.

At pennies-a-day, vitamins provide the nutrients we need to help the body to sustain and heal itself without the side effects of most drugs. The question becomes, can they help us in any significant way that cannot be done through eating a balanced and nutrient rich diet? And are they safe? Watch the following video by a certified clinical nutrtritionist as he explains why eating a balanced diet may not be enough.

In the next video, the BBC reports on the connection between vitamin deficiency and disease. Here they talk about a two time Nobel prize winner, Dr. Linus Pauling and how he discovered this connection.

The Linus Pauling Institute has been a hotbed of research into the effects of vitamins on our health. Click on the following link to find what research has been done on different nutrients and their effect on different diseases.

Linus Pauling Institute: Disease Index

There are thousands upon thousands of supplements on the market. How do I know what I need and which one do I choose? Are there some that are better than others? The next video exposes how some vitamins that do not make the grade when they are clinically tested. has tested many of our popular vitamins and have found that one out of four vitamins don't even live up to their claims. Too much vitamin A in a childrens vitamin can cause bone weakening. Some have unacceptable levels of lead in them! In the following video, you can pick up some tips on how to choose a good quality vitamin. Remember, you get what you pay for. Picking the wrong vitamin can be very expensive.

NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

Finally, there is an authoritative and independent guide to help consumers navigate the maze of nutritional products on the market today. It is the result of several years of effort by Biochemist Lyle MacWilliam. Mr. MacWilliam is a trained biochemist and kinesiologist and a contributing author to leading health publications. He has served, at the behest of Canada’s Minister of Health, on an expert advisory team for natural health products, which developed a new regulatory framework to ensure Canadians have access to safe, effective and high quality nutritional products. Click on the following link to read my review of this book.

The Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

They call vitamins supplements because that is what they are. They supplement a good diet and should be only one of the things a healthy person should do. Along with other things like exercise and proper sleep, they can contribute greatly to your health.

Here is another clip from an Australian News Program that mentions the Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements


Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, Australia-New Zealand Edition

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