Sunday, March 30, 2008

Debunking The Cholesterol Myth


If you buy any grapefruit juice this year, make sure it the "FAT-FREE" kind! I'm so happy to finally find a juice company that is trimming the fat off of their fruit. If I
were you, I would go to my refrigerator right now and check the fat content of all my juices. Caution: you have now entered the world of the absurd.

We now live in a world that is obsessed with all things that are low-fat and low-cholesterol. It is just an accepted fact that eating a low-fat diet will aid in lowering your cholesterol. Lowering your cholesterol will lead to a lower chance of heart disease and death. If this is true, why do Eskimos who eat a traditional diet of almost pure saturated fat (whale and seal blubber) have almost a zero incidence of heart disease?

eskimo 24 Samburu men 1

Studies of African tribes have shown that intakes of enormous amounts of animal fat do not necessarily raises blood cholesterol; on the contrary it may be very low. Samburu people, for instance, eat about a pound of meat and drink almost two gallons of raw milk each day during most of the year. Milk from the African Zebu cattle is much fatter than cow's milk, which means that the Samburus consume more than twice the amount of animal fat than the average American, and yet their cholesterol is much lower, about 170 mg/dl. Shaper AG. Cardiovascular studies in the Samburu tribe of northern Kenya. American Heart Journal 1962;63:437-442.
Shepherds in Somalia eat almost nothing but milk from their camels. About a gallon and a half a day is normal, which amounts to almost one pound of butter fat, because camel's milk is much fatter than cow's milk. But although more than sixty percent of their energy consumption comes from animal fat, their mean cholesterol is only about 150 mg/dl, far lower than in most Western people.
Lapiccirella V., and others. EnquĂȘte clinique, biologique et cardiogra-phique parmi les tribus nomades de la Somalie qui se nourissent seule-ment de lait. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 1962;27: 681-697

The Japanese are known for their healthy diet and low cholesterol. Harvard Medical School did a study of Americans and Japanese health in the 1950's. They found that U.S. people on average had a blood cholesterol of 220 whereas Japanese had about 170. The theory has always been that people with high cholesterol were more likely to get a condition called atherosclerosis. This is usually referred to as hardening of the arteries due to plaque build up, calcification and deposits of cholesterol.
The aorta, the main artery of the body, from 659 American and 260 Japanese people were studied after death. Meticulously all signs of atherosclerosis were recorded and graded. As expected, atherosclerosis increased from age 40 and upwards, both in Americans and in Japanese. Now to the surprising fact.

When degree of atherosclerosis was compared in each age group there was hardly any difference between American and Japanese people. Between age forty and sixty Americans were a little more arteriosclerotic than Japanese; between sixty and eighty there was practically no difference, and above eighty Japanese were a little more arteriosclerotic than Americans.
Gore I, Hirst AE, Koseki Y. Comparison of aaortic atherosclerosis in the United States, Japan, and Guatemala. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1959;7:50-54.

A similar study was conducted by Dr J.A. Resch from Minneapolis and Dr.s N. Okabe and K. Kimoto from Kyushu, Japan. They studied the arteries of the brain in 1408 Japanese and in more than 5000 American people and found that in all age groups Japanese people were more arteriosclerotic than were Americans.

The conclusion from these studies is of course that the level of cholesterol in the blood has little importance for the development of atherosclerosis, if any at all.

Could it be that we are looking at the wrong things? Could it be that heart disease is not a disease of cholesterol at all? Could it be that eating fat has little to do with it? Look at the people on the Atkins diet as they eat foods that are full of cholesterol and fat. You might think that this would make their cholesterol (LDL) go up. The fact is that it goes down.

You might argue that vegetarians usually have lower cholesterol than other people and they eat little animal fat. But vegetarians differ from the rest of the human population in more than their diet. They usually smoke less, they are usually thinner, and they usually exercise more often than other people. Whether it is their diet, or their other living habits, or perhaps something else that lowers their blood cholesterol is unknown.

In an article by Dr. Cranton, he suggests that heart disease could be strongly linked to vitamin D3 deficiency. Robert Scragg, Associate Professor in Epidemiology at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, first proposed that vitamin D deficiency plays a role in cardiovascular disease. He explains that heart disease is higher at higher latitudes with less sunlight, lower altitudes, in the winter, in African Americans, in older, inactive, and in more obese patients. Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin in that our body produces it naturally when our skin is exposed to the sun. Altitude is the least known of these associations. The age adjusted mortality for heart disease in the USA showed a striking inverse correlation with altitude in 1979, before the sun scare. American populations at the highest altitude had about half the heart disease of sea level populations. Thirty-five years ago, Leaf observed that most of the long-lived populations in the world reside at high altitude. Dr. Scragg showed that higher vitamin D levels are associated with lower risk for heart attack.

For more on vitamin D, refer to my other blog post by clicking on the following link:

Vitamin D Shortage

Facts about Cholesterol

Click on items below for scientific evidence.

1 Cholesterol is vital to cell health. A high cholesterol is not dangerous by itself.

2 Scientific studies show that people with low blood cholesterol have as much atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease as people with high cholesterol.

3 The human body produces most its cholesterol. Diet has little influence.

4 No evidence exists to show that animal fat and dietary cholesterol cause heart attacks. Plaque formation seen at autopsy is unrelated to dietary cholesterol or fat.

5 Drugs that lower cholesterol do not lower the overall death rate significantly. In fact, cholesterol lowering drugs may shorten life.

6 Statin drugs may reduce heart disease somewhat, but that is the result of other mechanisms unrelated to cholesterol. Unfortunately, they may also stimulate cancer, cause muscle damage and birth defects.

7 The effect of cholesterol on cardiovascular disease is widely discredited in scientific journals and text books.

8 Companies that market statin drugs choose to ignore the scientific evidence. The public is deceived.

9 Higher Cholesterol has many benefits: 1) People with high cholesterol live the longest. 2) Studies show that low cholesterol is in certain respects worse than high cholesterol. 3) Cholesterol protects against infection. 4) People with low cholesterol die younger.

The above facts do not apply to a small group of people (approximate incidence 0.2%) who inherit a familial type of genetic mutation causing very high cholesterol's levels (usually greater than 400 mg/dL), with fatty deposits in the skin and tendons (xanthomas), and family history of premature death.

Click below here for three highly recommended books:

The Cholesterol Myths : Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease, by Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD

Malignant Medical Myths: Why Medical Treatment Causes 200,000 Deaths in the USA each Year, and How to Protect Yourself, by Joel M. Kauffman, Ph.D.

Lipitor: Thief of Memory, Statin Drugs and the Misguided War on Cholesterol.
by Duane Graveline, M.D, M.P.H

Click here to link to scientists who agree with the above facts


Friday, March 14, 2008

How To Magnetize A Baby: Food Addictions

This is one of the most powerful videos I have seen in a long time. Let's face it. There are some foods that are powerfully addictive. Has anyone ever told you why? In this revealing 40 minute presentation, Dr. Neal Barnard MD discusses the science behind food additions. He is the founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). During the first few minutes of his presentation, he gets our attention by telling us how sucrose (simple table sugar) releases opiate chemicals in a babies brain, in turn releasing dopamine, explaining how the mechanisms of food addictions work at the most basic level.

If you have read my other post on
Why Diets Fail, you will remember that losing weight is not about having strong willpower. Willpower is not to blame: chocolate, cheese, meat, simple carbohydrates and sugar release opiate-like substances. Opiates, even in small amounts can be very addictive. Like all addictions, you have to find a way to break them. Willpower without knowledge is almost a sure way to fail. So, stop beating yourself up about lack of willpower and start learning how to get free. Your new lifestyle will bring about a healthier you and fat loss will be wonderful side benefit.

During one part of Dr. Barnard's presentation, he related how he was speaking at a university in Texas when he started to get heckled. He was in the middle of cow and pork country when he was telling them of the health problems that we acquire when we eat to much animal fat. The results can bring on heart attacks and prostate problems for men, later on in life. These were young college students he was talking to. Most of them didn't even know how to spell "prostate," let alone know what it was. They did not care about heart attacks either. That was for old men and women. When Dr. Barnard told them that eating high amounts of animal fat can also led to impotence, the crowd grew strangely quiet and listened attentively to the rest of his lecture.

Chocolate Addiction?

Dr. Barnard explains the chemical breakdown of many of our most addictive foods. Take chocolate for instance. It is not made up of just sugar. It has a whole drug store full of chemicals in it. Have you ever heard that you should not give a dog chocolate? That is because it has something in it called "theobromine." Most people think that chocolate has caffeine in it. Actually, there is less than what you would find in a cup of decaffeinated coffee. It is the theobromine that is what you are addicted to. It is a mild stimulant. To read more about that, go to
Modern Science: Chocolate, Caffeine, and Theobromine - Oh My! and learn more about it. Dogs don't deal with this as well as humans and it is like a poison to them. Chocolate also has some other drugs in it like "phenylethylamine," which is an amphetamine like compound that is also found in sausage and cheese. "Anandamide" is also found in chocolate and is the compound in the brain that is affected by THC (the active ingredient in marijuana). So, chocolate is a whole drug store in and of itself.

Do you have arthritis, migraine headaches, menstrual cramping, constipation, prostate cancer, high cholesterol, heart disease, obesity, breast cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, impotence or colon cancer? After watching this video, you might gain a little more understanding about how different foods might affect these conditions and what to do about it.

Dr. Barnard is also the author of two books. The first one is called Food for Life: How the New Four Food Groups Can Save Your Life. Citing overwhelming medical evidence previously downplayed by powerful lobby groups, Dr. Barnard reveals why a diet based on the new four food groups (grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits) will sharply decrease the risk of cancer and heart disease and dramatically increase life expectancy. He also unveils a 21-day program for a smooth transition to the new way of eating healthfully.

The second book is called, "Breaking the Food Seduction: The Hidden Reasons Behind Food Cravings---And 7 Steps to End Them Naturally." Barnard offers seven steps to breaking your food cravings, devoting a chapter to each one, with anecdotes and plenty of clear, sound, practical tips. Then he presents guidelines for healthy eating using "the New Four Food Groups"--vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains--with a three-week menu plan and 113 healthful, vegan recipes.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dr. Oz and the "Last Lecture" Reprise on Oprah Show

If you knew that you only had 3-6 months to live, how would you live your life differently? If you could stand up and give a speech that would be recorded and shared with future generations, what would your final words be? What would you say to the people that you love?

This may be theory for most of us, but for Randy Pausch, it is a reality. Randy is married father of three and a very popular professor at Carnegie Mellon University who has pancreatic cancer. Although he is currently pursuing treatment, his doctors have told him that he may only have three to six months to live. This is the kind of cancer that Micheal Landon and Patrick Swayze were dealing with.

Randy appeared on the Oprah show recently with Dr. Oz to give the final lecture that he gave at Carnegie Mellon University. Here is the replay of that show.

My mother died last year from Alzheimer's disease. I held her little lost hand throughout the experience as I walked with her up to death's door. My father is almost 90 and I walk with him now as he has Parkinson's disease and dementia. The passing of a loved one causes you to take a hard look at your life and your priorities. Like Randy, I believe that we most regret the things we did not do versus the things we did. I will never regret the choice that I made to take care of my parents. The personal sacrifice will be worth it in the end.

Like Randy, I believe that life is all about the choices we make. If you sew good seeds in life, you will reap good things. If you choose to be negative and angry, you will reap the results of those choices. Choosing to be positive and hopeful will let you reap those rewards too. I like his analogy about choosing to be a "Tigger" or an "Eeyore."

Life is just to short to spend it complaining, worrying, criticizing others and being angry about everything. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is the one that says,

"The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:7-8

The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
they just make the best of everything they have.

'Life isn't about how to survive the storm
but how to dance in the rain.'

Father Larry, OFM

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Time To Rebuild Your New Years Resolutions

Remember those New Year's resolutions you made?

  • This is the year I'm going to finally get in shape!

  • This is the year I'm going to lose that weight!

  • This is the year I'm finally going to . . . . . . ?

March is the month that most people give up on those resolutions. It takes a few months but the excitement and the enthusiasm are eventually gone. The new gadget or the new program just aren't working any more. They failed! So, until we discover a new gadget or program that seems even better, we settle back into the couch with a warm blanket and grab the remote control to watch reruns of Star Trek or Little House On The Prairie.
What happened? If you study the lives of those people who have made a success out of life, you will discover that prior to their success, they were great at failing! Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb, tried thousands of filaments before he discovered the one that worked. Michael Jordan did not make his own high school basketball team. Abraham Lincoln lost election after election in Illinois politics before he became President. So, you are in good company if you are down right now. There is nothing wrong with falling down. There is a lot of things wrong about staying down. If at first, your plan does not succeed, you need to get yourself another plan. Stop living in the past and criticizing yourself for your mistakes. You can’t change the past, so why give it a second thought. Yesterday is a cancelled check.

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
- Thomas Edison

True Success is made of mini-successes that eventually lead to one BIG mega-success. Sure, you’re gonna make mistakes along the way, but we’re human beings. We’re not designed to be perfect. We learn from our mistakes and it helps us become stronger and better in the process. You can’t be successful without failing first.
Before you get up and renew your efforts to make that important change, heed this advice.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Learn from failure. Failure can be your best friend. If you are going to win, you must change something. If you really want to have success this time, take a look at some ideas that might give you a better chance at getting there.
  1. You must have a strong, driving reason to achieve your goal. You must have a burning desire to help you get there. Without that, you will probably not make it. Who do you think is going to reach a goal of losing weight and being fit? The person who just wants to fit into their tight jeans or the person who wants to live long enough to make it to their daughter's wedding? Obesity and lack of exercise have strong ties to heart disease. Who do you thing will have a better chance at financial independence? The person who just wants to make a little "mad money" or the person who wants to have the time to spend with their family before they are grown and gone? If you really don't have to have it, you will probably quit before long.

  2. Have a clear, concise picture of what you want. Picture it in your mind first. Then write it down or get a picture of it and put it on the wall, by your mirror or computer. Look at it every day. Start picturing in your mind, every day, what it will be like to have already reached your goal. How will your life be different? Say to yourself, "Now that I am ___________ (financially free, thin and fit, etc), my life is better because I can now ___________? You fill in the blanks. I can't emphasize enough that you write it down or have a physical picture of what it is that you want. Carry it with you in your wallet, purse or pocket as a reminder. When the doubts come and you are feeling weak, this will help you to carry on.

  3. Having a purpose is great but goals are not purposes. Now that you have your purpose and your "Why" you are doing this, it is time to write down some goals. Goals are different than purposes because they are measurable. "I want to lose weight," is not a goal. "I want to buy a house," is not a goal. "My goal is to lose 3 pounds per week" is something you can measure. The journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step. If you want to lose 3 pounds per week (not for everyone), it would be best to write down what you are going to do every day in order to reach this goal. You might want to walk so many miles per day, do so many push ups, crunches, eat 5 small meals per day, drink 8 glasses of filtered water or eat food that is low on the glycemic index. If you are only losing 1 pound per week, you can then adjust the details of what you are doing every day and measure again later.

  4. Write it down. I know I've said this a dozen times already but it will help you to stick to your plan. There is something about writing your plan down (on paper or computer) that somehow moves you to action. They say that when a house is built, it is built three times. The first time is in the builders mind, the second is on paper and the third time is when it gets physically built!
  5. Be stretchingly realistic. I borrowed my girlfriends bike one time and took it down to the gas station to fill up the tires with air. While I was doing it, the tire blew up with a loud bang. I had put in too much, too fast. I did not have a tire gauge with me. I was in a hurry and did not pay attention to the details. Rome was not built in a day. You will probably not make a million dollars in a month if you have never done that before. You will probably not lose 150 pounds in a week. So try to be realistic about what you are trying to accomplish. On the other hand, try to stretch yourself a little. Don't make your goal too easy. Look at what you are capable of doing and reset your goal. Make it a little bit harder. If you know you can run the mile in 5 minutes, set your goal for 4 minutes and 59 seconds. Stretch it a little. You never know what you are really capable of. Have you ever been to Disney World? Did you know that the whole park was built in 366 days? If you dream it, you can build it. Others have done it. Why not you? "Unless a man undertakes more than he possibly can do, he will never do all that he can."- Henry Drummond

  6. Be accountable to someone. Share your goals with someone who will take enough interest in you to check on how you are doing. Join a group of like minded people who are headed for the same goal. Most people find it easier to disappoint themselves than to disappoint others. If you sign up for an exercise class, you will be more liable to show up than you would exercising on your own. If you start a blog about your journey to weight loss, you are laying it out there for all to see. If it turns out to be your journey to weight gain, that might be embarrassing enough to turn it back around. If you want to make $5000 this month and you only make $3000, it should motivate you to turn up the heat next month. If you are trying, there are others out there who will cheer you on and help you in ways you never dreamed of.

  7. Find a mentor. Learning from experience and mistakes is wonderful. How can you learn and get better without making mistakes? Right? How about learning from someone else's mistakes? A mentor is someone who has gone on the same path you are on now and is at least more successful than you are. They can share with you all the mistakes that they have made in order for you to learn and succeed faster than if you ventured out there alone. If you wanted to be a gold miner, who better to teach you than a seasoned, successful gold miner. A good mentor will not spend a lot of time giving you lectures and sermons. Instead, he/she will take you to the gold mine and teach by example. You can learn how to have a better golf swing by watching it and doing it than by reading a book or listening to a tape. If you have a mentor with you, they can spot and help you correct mistakes quickly. That could save you months and years of wasted time. That is discouraging. Discouragement leads to disappointment and that leads to quitting.

  8. Get serious! Which statement would be more true? "Successful people find the time to do the important things in life" OR "People who make the time to do the important things in life are successful." I remember the first time I went out to play golf on a real golf course. I was pretty good on the golfing range. I could hit a ball pretty well and so I figured I could do the same on a golf course. I was a good athlete at age 12 so I thought I could pick this up quickly and at least be better than my mother. The first time I went out there, I expected to be like "Arnold Palmer." For you younger folks, you might understand me better if I said, "Tiger Woods." Needless to say, it was one of the most frustrating afternoons of my life. I lost 7 golf balls and my score was much higher than my IQ. My mother beat me badly too. I had not taken the game serious enough. Somebody told Jack Nicholas once that they wish they could play golf as well as he did. He turned to them quickly and said, "No, you don't." He went on to explain to them how he got up every day before sunrise to get to the course early. He talked about how many drives and chip shots he would shoot until his hands would get bloody. He then would bandage them up before going out to practice again. He would practice until the sun went down and everyone else had left the course. This is the kind of price that it takes to be a champion. A winner pays the price and does the little things that losers will not bother to do. Are you serious about your goals? What price are you willing to pay in order to get where you want to go? Some people dream of success… while others wake up and work hard at it.

  9. Choose a time to get started. If you are trying to lose weight, the holiday season may not be the best time to get started. Too much temptation. Make sure it is a time that few things will get in your way and drag you down. Think about all of the things that will come along to interfere with your progress. Anticipate what those might be and figure out a plan to neutralize them before they become a problem.

  10. Choose a time frame to accomplish your goal. There is something magic about 90 days. It is hard to sustain a fast pace forever. Sooner or later, you run out of steam. On the other hand, many people will sprint for a short period of time and give up right before they cross the finish line. How sad. A goal worth reaching is worth at least 90 days of effort. If you have not reached a realistic goal in 90 days, it would be time to reevaluate your efforts, fine tune your strategy and try again for another 90 days. Break it down into 30 day periods. If you want to lose 30 pounds in 90 days, you know you are on track if you have lost 10 pounds in the first month. If you have only lost 5 pounds, you know that you are going to have to change your plan. Now you will have to lose at least 13 pounds per month in the remaining 2 months.

  11. Don't beat yourself up if you fail. Don't take it out on others around you either. There is nothing wrong with falling down. There is a lot wrong with laying there and not getting up. When I was younger, I had a job that I just hated. I complained all the time and had a negative attitude. I guess you could say I was depressed. One of my coworkers suggested that I take some antidepressants. He was taking them and he claimed to feel much better. Then I realized that I was in this depressing situation because of choices I had made. Complaining was not going to make things better. I had two decisions that I could make. I could choose to change my attitude or I could choose to change my job. I chose to change my job. I vividly remember the day I left my job. I drove my car about two blocks away, stopped, got out and danced around it while pumping my fist in the air. Any depression was instantly gone and without the use of drugs. My new situation payed me twice as much with only putting in half as much time. I can't believe how much of my life I wasted by laying down in my anger and depression. Life is just to short to play that game. So, if you've fallen down, find a way to get up and get on with your life. You deserve to be happy and healthy. Your family deserves to have you that way too. Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down.

  12. Find a plan that works for you. Why would you want to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to invent the wheel when it has already been invented? What a waste of time and energy. Successful people don't do all the work themselves. They leverage their time by finding others who have more expertise than them and they use them to reach their goals faster. What if you found a "tried-and-true" program that could help you accomplish your goals in half the time that you could on your own? Wouldn't that make sense? "Well," you say, "some programs can cost a lot of money." Have you compared that to the cost of going-it-alone and wasting 6-8 months of time learning from all your mistakes? Have you counted the cost of failure lately? Now, which is more expensive? I am looking for something that saves me time and money in the long run. I am looking for something that works and has an impressive track record of success. A money-back-guarantee would be nice too.

So, make a plan today to get up and start over. It is never too late to start dreaming again. It is never too late to get your life back on track. Happiness is a choice. If you have to choose between misery and happiness, choose to be happy.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Cancer: Hope For A Cure

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in our country leaving half a million families every year without a mother, father, spouse or children. Since 1971, over one trillion dollars has been spent on conventional cancer research and treatment. The current cost is at least $110 billion a year -- over ten percent of all U.S. medical expenditures and two percent of the entire Gross National Product. Can you imagine what would happen to our economy if a simple and inexpensive cure for cancer were to hit the market? Doctors, nurses and pharmaceutical companies would take a serious blow to their wallet. Wait a minute!! Have we lost our focus here? What about the cancer patient? Have we forgotten about him/her? What would happen to them if cancer became mostly curable? Here is a video clip of Glen Beck, a popular news reporter, talking about a possible breakthrough in the fight against cancer.

Possible Cure For Cancer But You Can't Have It! - video powered by Metacafe

Canadian researchers have developed a new cancer treatment that is an alternative to chemotherapy. "DCA" has undergone some trials on human cancer cells and shows a lot of promise, but not enough to be approved by the FDA. Don't miss the point! If this new drug had a patent, drug companies might be all over it with tons of money to put towards doing research. Profit is the bottom line for them.
The difference between DCA and chemotherapy is that DCA kills the cancer cells and not the other healthy cells that are destroyed throughout the body. Chemo is known to weaken your immune system and lower your white blood cell count. This is condition called neutropenia (new-truh-pee-nee-ah) – which can put you at risk for severe infections or treatment interruptions. Click here for a list of possible side effects of chemotherapy and what can be done about them.

In 2002, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that in the previous year, the average oncologist had made $253,000 of which 75% was profit on chemotherapy drugs administered in his/her office. Yet, surveys of oncologists by the Los Angeles Times and the McGill Cancer Center in Montreal show that from 75% to 91% of oncologists would refuse chemotherapy as a treatment for themselves or their families. Why? Too toxic and not effective. Yet, 75% of cancer patients are urged to take chemo by their oncologists.

The National Cancer Institute published a list in 1971 of the cancers that chemo was most effective with. One of those was Embryonal Testicular Cancer, for which cyclist Lance Armstrong is the poster boy. On the other hand, some doctors want to prescribe chemo for every kind of cancer. The fact is that some types of cancer NEVER responded to chemo or radiation!

What if there was a way to cure cancer without the use of chemotherapy or radiation? No more throwing up and no more hair loss? What if that therapy could be proven to work as well or better than conventional treatments offered by your doctor? Would you want to know about it or would you rather your doctor kept it a secret from you?

A few years back, I ran across a doctor that has been successfully treating many forms of cancer for over 30 years. The curious part is that he does it without chemo or radiation. He uses a non-toxic therapy that does not have the side effects of chemo or radiation. His name is Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D.

Burzynski's work was reported on positively on the probing network television investigative series 20/20 (ABC-TV, October 22, 1981) and Street Stories (CBS-TV, July 23, 1993), and more recently, ABC-TV's Nightline and CBS This Morning (April and March, 1995, respectively).

Look at the following clip from Fox News. It is Jody's story of how she was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. Her chances of survival were almost nil. She went to see Dr. Burzynski and now she has a different ending to her story.

For more information, check out some of his web sites:
Burzynski Research Institute, Inc.

Burzynski Clinic

Burzynski Patient Group

Dr. Burzynski - His Credentials and Biography

Dr Burzynski’s discovery threatens one of the largest and most lucrative industries in the history of mankind, the cancer treatment industry.
  • All those radiation machines and doctors who run them
  • All those chemotherapy drugs and the doctors who prescribe them
  • All those so called studies that just juggle the doses of chemo & radiation
  • All those surgeons who have been flailing at cancer for over a 100 years.
The cancer industry in general, has a mindset that their way is the only right way. If you challenge that, you are merely a dangerous quack. In short, these beliefs are that cancer can only be treated with therapies that mutilate, poison, or burn the patient, in the hope that they "kill" the cancer…..Therefore, each patient who is miraculously cured by Burzynski’s nontoxic therapy is not viewed as a breakthrough, or even as something good, but rather as a dangerous messenger of heresy, a terrible threat to their beliefs.

Much to the chagrin of the FDA and the cancer industry as a whole, his cancer treatments are now in phase 2 of clinical trials as found on the National Cancer Institute page.
In the past, the cancer industry and the FDA have worked to destroy Dr. Burzynski. They went into his office and seized all his records and tried to have him shut down and put in jail. After all, his innovative ideas threatened conventional wisdom and the very cancer industry itself.

When Nicolaus Copernicus proved that the earth was not the center of the universe, he was opposed by conventional wisdom and the Church. Galileo was imprisoned for the rest of his life for agreeing with Copernicus and was accused of grave heresy.
Galileo had gotten off lightly. Another Copernican, Giordano Bruno, had been prosecuted in Rome by the same Cardinal Bellarmine and on February 17, 1600, burned at the stake as a heretic.

Dr. Burzynski was vindicated of all charges after a 14 year battle. The courts have now forced the FDA to work with him as clinical trials on his protocol move forward. Here is the chronicle of his story. Click on the following link:

The Burzynski Saga

Dr. Burzynski And The Abuse Of The FDA

"The FDA 'protects' the big drug companies and are subsequently rewarded, and using the government's police powers they attack those who threaten the big drug companies.
People think that the FDA is protecting them.
It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day."

Dr. Herbert Ley
Former U.S. FDA Commissioner

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Winning The War Against Depression

Everybody gets the blues now and then. President Abraham Lincoln suffered with and fought depression throughout his lifetime. However, his ability to cope with whatever depression afflicted him, especially late in life, was enormous. Using various means.... work, humor, fatalistic resignation, or even religious feelings... he generally did not allow the depression or melancholy to interfere with his work as President. He overcame this depressive aspect of his personality with a powerful inner strength and will. He once said:

"Remember in the depth and even the agony
of despondency, that very shortly you are to feel well again."
There are indications Lincoln took a medication for his hypochondriasis (depression) called blue mass. This was a commonly prescribed medication in the 19th century for ailments such as apoplexy, worms, tuberculosis, toothaches, constipation, and hypochondriasis (depression). Blue mass contained mercury and can lead to the neurobehavioral consequences of mercury poisoning. John Stuart said that Lincoln took blue mass "before he went to Washington and for five months while he was President."

Now, in the 21st century, we use Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). These would include drugs like Prozac (fluoxetine), Zoloft (sertraline), Paxil (paroxetine), Luvox (fluvoxamine) and Celaxa (citalopram). Doctors and Psychiatrists hand them out like candy. Over 23.1 million prescriptions for different forms of fluoxetine (Prozac) were filled in the United States in 2006. This makes it the third most prescribed antidepressant. The most prescribed is sertraline (Zoloft) and the second is Escitalopram (Lexapro) which is also an SSRI. Escitalopram is the S-stereoisomer (enantiomer) of the earlier Lundbeck drug citalopram (Celexa), hence the name escitalopram.

One of the things you should know about Prozac and other SSRI's is that it could take a whole month for the full benefits of the drug to take effect. Another thing you should know is that recent studies have led scientists to discover that taking SSRI's for depression might not be any better than if you took a placebo. In other words, you might be just as likely to get better by taking a sugar pill.
A paper published in the journal PLoS (Public Library of Science) Medicine last month looked at the trial results of fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Seroxat), venlafaxine (Effexor) and nefazodone (Serzone). "Using complete data sets (including unpublished data) and a substantially larger data set of this type than has been previously reported, we find the overall effect of new-generation antidepressant medication is below recommended criteria for clinical significance," they write.

After using the freedom of information rules, they obtained all of the data that was used in the clinical trials done by the drug companies. If you are a doctor, these are the ones your drug rep did not tell you about. They show the true and whole picture of the drugs effectiveness. The exception to the rule was that these drugs did seem to have a significant effect on those who were severely depressed. For every one else, it was no more effective than a placebo. Here is the article that references that study:

Prozac, used by 40m people, does not work say scientists

Now, let's look at some of the side effects of Prozac and the others. Make sure you ask your doctor or psychiatrist about these.

Gwen Olsen, a former pharmaceutical industry representative, told an FDA panel that she had influenced doctors by offering them free food, gifts and gimmicks to get access and then presented them with skillfully manipulated data. Olsen said she had a change of heart after her 20- year-old niece committed suicide following a withdrawal reaction from the antidepressant Paxil. She said her niece first tried to hang herself from a ceiling fan. When the fan broke, Olsen said, she doused herself in oil and set herself alight.

More than 1 million children and teens now receive SSRI prescriptions, estimates Julie Magno Zito, a psychiatric drug expert at the University of Maryland.

In May 1984, Germany’s regulatory agency (Bundesgesundheitsamt, BGA) rejected Prozac as “totally unsuitable for treating depression.” In July 1985, Eli Lilly’s own data analysis—from a pool of 1,427 patients—showed high incidence of adverse drug effects and evidence of drug-induced violence in some patients.

Remember the tragedy of the Columbine High School masacre? The shooter, Eric Harris, was taking Zoloft before he switched to Luvox. Three experts testified that Eric showed symptoms of being "Bipolar." According to the Physicians Desk Reference, antidepressants can induce mania & psychosis, especially in people who are 'bipolar'.

A few weeks ago, we also had a shooting in Illinois where a former student opened fire on and killed 6 people (including himself) at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb. Steve Kazmierczak was not a monster, according to friends. He was kind and gentle. He had stopped taking Prozac a few weeks before the shooting spree. According to a friend, it "made him feel like a zombie."

So, what to do about depression? Why not try some other things before drugs enter into the picture. Why should they be the first thing that we try? Shouldn't they be the last thing after looking at how inneffective and dangerous they are?

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, a variety of lifestyle, dietary and psychotherapeutic interventions have a much better record of success against depression than these drugs have ever had. Serious depression is a medical problem that in many cases demands serious pharmaceutical treatment, but patients with mild or moderate depression would be much better served trying a prudent mix of exercise, diet and cognitive therapy.

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which teaches kids to change self-defeating attitudes and behaviors. It is about as effective as Prozac. Drugs should be reserved for the most severely depressed, who need therapy, too.

  • Depressed people usually have low levels of vitamin D in their blood. Have it checked by asking your doctor to do a D25-hydroxy test. Click here to check out my post on vitamin D

  • Gabriel Cousens, MD, in his very informative and helpful book, Depression-Free For Life: An All-Natural, 5-Step Plan to Reclaim Your Zest For Living, explained that chemicals called neurotransmitters relay nerve impulses throughout your body. These nerve impulses make up the communication system that your brain and nerves use to carry out many functions. (6)
    The neurotransmitters that seem to have the most impact on your moods are...
    noradrenaline (also called norepinephrine)
    gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)

Your body produces these important chemicals from the nutrients you consume. Amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, minerals, fatty acids, proteins and carbohydrates are all needed.

  • Catherine Carrigan, in Healing Depression: A Holistic Guide, listed ten common dietary substances that are most likely to contribute to depression. These depression diet substances include...
    1. Anything moldy, malted, or fermented. 2. Anything processed. 3. Anything dried or aged.4. Anything made with sugar or honey.5. Anything made with yeast.6. Any meat raised with antibiotics or steroids.7. Leftovers unless frozen.8. Alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea, chocolate, and colas.9. Food colorings, chemicals, preservatives, and additives.10. Tap water." (4, pp. 126-7)

  • If you have been diagnosed with atypical depression, you might greatly benefit from learning about a mineral called chromium picolinate. Dr. Malcom McLeod, in his book "Lifting Depression, The Chromium Connection," discovers by "accident" that a nutrient deficiency (Chromium) is at the root of a glucose metabolism problem "insulin resistance" that can lead to a suite of health symptoms (above) that include atypical depression. The book outlines how a simple supplementation with Chromium Picolinate at the right dosage along with excerise and diet changes, lead to dramatic and complete relief for many people in as little as 2 days. Dr. McLeod chronicles the story of this discovery as he experiences the joy and surprise of many of his patients as they encounter relief from depression (and much more). Most of them report a dramatic elevation in mood, increased energy, reduced cravings for carbohydrates and vivid color in their dreams. One patient (Sarah) found that chromium picolinate relieved almost all her symptoms of PMS. She said, "Chromium eliminates my irritability, depression, hyper-sensitivity to light and noise, craving for sweets, cramps, and I'm able to work and be around people." Another patient found that chromium reduced their craving for alcohol.

Other blog entries that talk about dealing with depression in a natural way:

Alternative Medicine Help for Seasonal Depression

Ten Ways to better Cope with Depression